
trunc, truncf, truncl

< c‎ | numeric‎ | math
Common mathematical functions
Basic operations
Maximum/minimum operations
Exponential functions
Power functions
Trigonometric and hyperbolic functions
Error and gamma functions
Nearest integer floating-point operations
Floating-point manipulation functions
Narrowing operations
Quantum and quantum exponent functions
Decimal re-encoding functions
Total order and payload functions
Macro constants
Special floating-point values
Arguments and return values
Error handling
Defined in header <math.h>
float       truncf( float arg );
(1) (since C99)
double      trunc( double arg );
(2) (since C99)
long double truncl( long double arg );
(3) (since C99)
Defined in header <tgmath.h>
#define trunc( arg )
(4) (since C99)
1-3) Computes the nearest integer not greater in magnitude than arg.
4) Type-generic macro: If arg has type long double, truncl is called. Otherwise, if arg has integer type or the type double, trunc is called. Otherwise, truncf is called.


[edit] Parameters

arg - floating point value

[edit] Return value

If no errors occur, the nearest integer value not greater in magnitude than arg (in other words, arg rounded towards zero), is returned.

Return value

[edit] Error handling

Errors are reported as specified in math_errhandling.

If the implementation supports IEEE floating-point arithmetic (IEC 60559),

  • The current rounding mode has no effect.
  • If arg is ±∞, it is returned, unmodified
  • If arg is ±0, it is returned, unmodified
  • If arg is NaN, NaN is returned

[edit] Notes

FE_INEXACT may be (but isn't required to be) raised when truncating a non-integer finite value.

The largest representable floating-point values are exact integers in all standard floating-point formats, so this function never overflows on its own; however the result may overflow any integer type (including intmax_t), when stored in an integer variable.

The implicit conversion from floating-point to integral types also rounds towards zero, but is limited to the values that can be represented by the target type.

[edit] Example

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
    printf("trunc(+2.7) = %+.1f\n", trunc(2.7));
    printf("trunc(-2.7) = %+.1f\n", trunc(-2.7));
    printf("trunc(-0.0) = %+.1f\n", trunc(-0.0));
    printf("trunc(-Inf) = %+f\n",   trunc(-INFINITY));

Possible output:

trunc(+2.7) = +2.0
trunc(-2.7) = -2.0
trunc(-0.0) = -0.0
trunc(-Inf) = -inf

[edit] References

  • C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011):
  • The trunc functions (p: 253-254)
  • 7.25 Type-generic math <tgmath.h> (p: 373-375)
  • F.10.6.8 The trunc functions (p: 528)
  • C99 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:1999):
  • The trunc functions (p: 234)
  • 7.22 Type-generic math <tgmath.h> (p: 335-337)
  • F.9.6.8 The trunc functions (p: 464)

[edit] See also

computes largest integer not greater than the given value
(function) [edit]
computes smallest integer not less than the given value
(function) [edit]
rounds to nearest integer, rounding away from zero in halfway cases
(function) [edit]