
A list of open source C libraries

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The objective of this page is to build a comprehensible list of open source C libraries, so that when one needs an implementation of particular functionality, one need not waste time searching on Google.

If you know a library that might be useful to others, please add a link to it here. There are no restrictions on what can be included except that it must be possible to download the source of the library.

The page is provided 'as is' - with the hope of being useful, but without any warranties. Outdated, misleading or wrong links might appear here. If you've noticed one of these, it would be great if you fixed the error.


[edit] Operating system

Access control
Extended attributes

[edit] Graphical user interface

  • IUP
  • Nuklear[doc] -  A single-header ANSI C immediate mode cross-platform GUI library.
  • lvgl[doc] -  Powerful and easy-to-use embedded GUI library with many widgets, advanced visual effects (opacity, antialiasing, animations) and low memory requirements (16K RAM, 64K Flash).
  • tiny file dialogs -  a single C cross-platform file (no init, no main loop, 6 modal function calls)

[edit] Gtk+ widgets

[edit] Microsoft Excel

[edit] Audio

Speech synthesis

[edit] Video


[edit] Files

[edit] Maths

Integer Multi-Dimensional Interpolation
Linear algebra
Signal Processing

[edit] Graphics

[edit] Generic

[edit] Interprocess

[edit] Databases

[edit] Configuration

[edit] Environment

[edit] Communications

  • gsoap
  • KCP -  A fast and reliable ARQ protocol that helps applications to reduce network latency. (MIT License)
  • libcurl
  • libmicrohttpd
  • libsagui
  • MQTT-C -  Github URL (MIT License)
  • nanomsg -  A socket library that provides common communication patterns; has no dependencies; cross-platform. Superceded by the nng. (MIT/X11 license)
  • UCX -  Unified Communication X (UCX) provides an optimized communication layer for Message Passing (MPI), Shared Memory (PGAS) and RPC/data-centric applications. (BSD3 License)
  • zeromq

[edit] Compression

[edit] Concurrency

  • ck
  • MutexGear -  Mutex-only synchronization (wheel, rwlock, work queues). (The MutexGear Library License)

[edit] libc

[edit] Data types

[edit] XML

[edit] Javascript

[edit] Metrics

[edit] Object oriented programming

[edit] Web Frontend

[edit] Debug

  • dbg-macro -  A few macros that print and return the value of a given expression for quick and dirty debugging, inspired by Rusts dbg!(…) macro and its C++ variant. (MIT License)

[edit] See also

C++ documentation for Non-ANSI/ISO Libraries