Accepted Papers
On Multiway Cut parameterized above lower bounds
Planar Disjoint-Paths Completion
Sparse Solutions of Sparse Linear Systems: Fixed-Parameter Tractability and an Application of Complex Group Testing
Kernel Bounds for Path and Cycle Problems
Twin-Cover: Beyond Vertex Cover in Parameterized Algorithmics
Safe approximation and its relation to kernelization
Contracting graphs to paths and trees
On Polynomial Kernels for Structural Parameterizations of Odd Cycle Transversal
Parameterized Complexity in Multiple-Interval Graphs:Domination
Tight Complexity Bounds for FPT Subgraph Problems Parameterized by Clique-width
New Upper Bounds for MAX-2-SAT and MAX-2-CSP w.r.t. the Average Variable Degree
Increasing the Minimum Degree of a Graph by Contractions
Parameterized Complexity of Firefighting Revisited
Parameterized Maximum Path Coloring
On cutwidth parameterized by vertex cover
Finding Good Decompositions for Dynamic Programming on Dense Graphs
On the hardness of loosing width
Linear-Time Computation of a Linear Problem Kernel for Dominating Set on Planar Graphs
A Faster Algorithm for Dominating Set Analyzed by the Potential Method
Linear-Time Kernelization for Planar Dominating Set
Improved Parameterized Algorithms for Above Average Constraint Satisfaction