I am Fernando Sánchez Villaamil, a former PhD candidate at the Theoretical Computer Science chair at RWTH Aachen University. I am originally from the Canary Islands (Spain). While in Spain I attended a German school. With my German highschool degree in hand, I came to Germany in 2005 for my studies also at RWTH Aachen University. After an internship in the USA at Siemens working in Data Mining I came back to Aachen to pursue my PhD under my advisor Peter Rossmanith. I successfully finished my PhD in 2017. I have since left academia.
I mainly worked on Fixed Parameter Tractability, mostly on Algorithm Design for graph problems. I also dabbled in Complex Networks, trying to apply deep mathematical results from graph theory to aid their analysis and the design of new algorithms.
I paid for my studies by assisting at teaching and programming. I've worked extensively with Java, Python and C and I've written non-trivial code in C++, JavaScript, Haskell and Elisp. I am mainly comfortable using Linux. I'm known to solve this or that problem with a quick 150 characters shell command.
In my free time I listen to more music than is healthy, read a few books, watch movies and conjure pseudo-deep philosophies.
- The presentation Fun with Parameterized Complexity at the NCSU Theory Seminar together with Felix Reidl.
- My lecture about MSO-checking on graphs for Blair Sullivan's CSC707 'Theory of computation' course.
- The presentation at ICALP 2014 of the paper A Faster Parameterized Algorithm for Treedepth.
- A talk on the finished tree-depth algorithm at the Department of Informatics, University of Bergen.
- A talk on the problem of computing tree-depth held at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University.
- A practical fpt algorithm for Flow Decomposition and transcript assembly
- Width, depth and space
- Characterising bounded expansion by neighbourhood complexity
- Fast Biclustering by Dual Parameterization
IPEC 2015
Kernelization and Sparseness: the case of Dominating
STACS 2016
Zig-Zag Numberlink is NP-Complete
Journal of Information Processing
Hyperbolicity, degeneracy, and expansion of
random intersection graphs
WAW / Internet Mathematics
Structural Sparsity of Complex Networks:
Random Graph Models and Linear Algorithms
Work in progress
- Finite Integer Index of Pathwidth
and Treewidth
IPEC 2014
- A
Faster Parameterized Algorithm for Treedepth
ICALP 2014
Kernelization Using Structural Parameters on
Sparse Graph Classes.
ESA 2013 / Journal of Computer and System Sciences
Hierarchical Clustering for Real-Time Stream
Data with Noise.
SSDBM 2011
Black--and--White Threshold Graphs.
CATS 2011
Implementation of an Automated Proof for an
Algorithm Solving the Maximum Independent Set Problem.
2009, Technical Report