Practical Lab SS2022 (M.Sc. Informatik)

Competitive Programming in Teams

Competitive Programming banner


This lab is offered to give you the option to train for participation in competitive programming contests like ICPC. You will be given hard problems (similar to ones in ICPC) to solve every week during a long meeting - together in a team. This will give you experience in programming under pressure, since you will have very limited time for the problems. Therefore, you should expect stressful programming sessions (by design). Further information will be published on our website soon.

Note that participating in this seminar requires a registration on Supra!


Very good knowledge in some popular programming languages (like C, C++, Java) are required. This lab is not intended to learn a programming language, but to solve problems under time constraints in a team. You should like to work under pressure.


We will meet regularly in person if the pandemic situation permits. We want you to train under authentic circumstances.