/** * Traverses all elements of a searchtree in pre-order, in-order, or post-order. * (One needs linear time in nr of nodes to traverse all nodes, * and one needs at only constant space.) * * @author thiemann */ class SearchtreeIterator,D> implements Iterator { private static enum Direction {LEFT, ELEMENT, RIGHT, UP}; /* * the current node we are looking at, null if we are done. */ private Searchtreenode node; /* * the previous node we traversed before node * (this is not the node returned before the current node * as result of the iterator) */ private Searchtreenode prev; /* * The direction we came from when going from prev to node. */ private Direction dir; /* * gives the traversing order, when to output the elements. * (when coming from Up(pre), Left(in), or Right(post-order)) */ private final Direction order; /** * Constructs a new iterator which traverses the tree with the given root node. * @param root The root node of the tree to traverse. * @param order The order in which to traverse this tree (1 = preorder, 2 = inorder, 3 = postorder). */ public SearchtreeIterator(Searchtreenode root, int order) { this.order = order == 1 ? Direction.UP : (order == 2 ? Direction.LEFT : Direction.RIGHT); this.prev = null; this.node = root; this.dir = Direction.UP; this.walkNext(this.order); } /** * Walks to the next node that has to be visited. * If stopAt is null, then at least one step will be walked */ private void walkNext(Direction stopAt) { while (this.node != null && this.dir != stopAt) { switch (this.dir) { case UP: // first time we visit the node if (this.node.left == null) { this.dir = Direction.LEFT; } else { this.prev = this.node; this.node = this.node.left; // dir remains UP } break; case LEFT: // second time we visit the node if (this.node.right == null) { this.dir = Direction.RIGHT; } else { this.prev = this.node; this.node = this.node.right; this.dir = Direction.UP; } break; case RIGHT: // third and last time we visit this node this.prev = this.node; this.node = this.node.parent; if (this.node != null) { if (this.node.left == this.prev) { this.dir = Direction.LEFT; } else if (this.node.right == this.prev) { this.dir = Direction.RIGHT; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Internal error in tree traversal"); } } break; } stopAt = this.order; } } public D data() { return this.node.data; } public K key() { return this.node.key; } public boolean more() { return this.node != null; } public void step() { this.walkNext(null); } } /** * A Searchtree is a {@link Map}-implementation as (not necessarily balanced) * binary tree. Standard access methods like insertion, deletion, and lookup are linear * in the depth of the tree, and thus, logarithmic in the nr of entries, * if the tree is balanced. * * @author Rossmanith * * @param The type of the keys. * @param The type of the data. */ public class Searchtree,D> extends Dictionary { protected Searchtreenode root; public Searchtree() { root = null; } public void insert(K k, D d) { if(root==null) root = new Searchtreenode(k, d); else root.insert(new Searchtreenode(k, d)); } /** * Removes the entry which stores the data for the key k. * Idle operations if there is no data stored for k. * (linear time in depth of tree) * @param k The key to delete with its associated data. */ public void delete(K k) { if(root==null) return; if(root.key.equals(k)) if(root.left==null && root.right==null) { root=null; return; } else if(root.left==null) { root=root.right; root.parent=null; return; } /* * note that if a left child is present, then the n.delete() * call will not try to eliminate the node n itself. Hence, * in that case we can also make a call to root.delete() * without updating the root as attribute of this Searchtree. */ Searchtreenode n = root.findsubtree(k); if(n!=null) n.delete(); } /** * Looks up the data for the given key k. * (linear time in depth of the tree) * @param k The key to look for, must be non-null. * @return The data stored under k, or null, if there is no data for k. * @see Map#find(Object) */ public D find(K k) { if(root==null) return null; Searchtreenode n = root.findsubtree(k); return n==null ? null : n.data; } /** * Checks whether the given key k is present in this * searchtree. * (linear time in depth of the tree) * @param k The key to look for, must be non-null. * @return true, iff k is contained in this tree. */ public boolean iselement(K k) { return root!=null && root.findsubtree(k)!=null; } public int size() { return root==null ? 0 : root.size(); } /** * Repairs the root node if a sub-node is currently stored * as root. (Which may happen after calling rotate-methods for example) * @see Searchtreenode#rotateleft() * @see Searchtreenode#rotateright() * @see Treap#rotate_up(Treapnode) * @see Treap#rotate_down(Treapnode) */ void repair_root() { if(root==null) return; while(root.parent!=null) root=root.parent; } public Iterator iterator() { return new SearchtreeIterator(this.root,2); } public void print() { if(root!=null) root.printindent(0); } /** * Constructs an optimal search tree in the general case * with n given keys where * the propabilities to access each key are stored in p * and the propabilities to access values between two keys * are stored in q. The sum of all values in p and q must be 1. * (Implemented with dynamic programming, O(n3) complexity) * @param n The number of keys. * @param keys The keys to store. * @param p The propabilities to access a key. More precisely, * p[i] is the propability to access keys[i] for all * 0 ≤ i < n. * @param q The propabilities to access values between two keys. * More precisely, q[0] is the propability to ask for values smaller * than keys[0]. q[n] is the propability to ask for values larger than * keys[n-1]. And q[i] is the propability to ask for values between * keys[i-1] and keys[i] for all 1 ≤ i < n. */ public void opt_searchtree(int n, Array keys, Array p, Array q) { double[][] e = new double[n+2][n+1]; double[][] w = new double[n+2][n+1]; int[][] root = new int[n+2][n+1]; for(int i=1; i<=n+1; i++) w[i][i-1]=e[i][i-1]=q.get(i-1); for(int l=0; l<=n; l++) for(int i=1; i+l<=n; i++) { e[i][i+l] = Double.MAX_VALUE; w[i][i+l] = w[i][i+l-1] + p.get(i+l) + q.get(i+l); for(int r=i; r<=i+l; r++) { Double t = e[i][r-1]+e[r+1][i+l]+w[i][i+l]; if(t keys, int[][] root) { if(j The type of the keys. * @param The type of the data. */ class Searchtreenode,D> { /* * Key and data stored in this node. Key must * be non-null. */ K key; D data; /* * links to the left child, right child, and to the parent * (null, if the corresponding links do not exist) */ Searchtreenode left, right, parent; /** * Constructs a new node with key k and data d, but * without any links. * @param k The key, must be non-null. * @param d The data to store under k. */ public Searchtreenode(K k, D d) { left = right = parent = null; key = k; data = d; } /** * Copies key and data of the node n into this node. * @param n The node from which key and data are taken. */ public void copy(Searchtreenode n) { key = n.key; data = n.data; } /** * Deletes this node from the searchtree. * (Linear in depth of tree) */ void delete() { if(left==null && right==null) { if(parent.left==this) parent.left=null; else parent.right=null; } else if(left==null) { if(parent.left==this) parent.left = right; else parent.right = right; right.parent = parent; } else { Searchtreenode max = left; while(max.right!=null) max=max.right; copy(max); max.delete(); } } /** * Inserts the node n. If the key k of n is not present below * this node, then n will become a leaf, otherwise the * previously stored data for k will be overwritten by the * new data of n. * (Linear in depth of tree) * @param n A node containing the key and value to store. The * key must be non-null. Moreover, n must not have left- or * right-links. */ public void insert(Searchtreenode n) { int c = n.key.compareTo(key); if(c<0) { if(left!=null) left.insert(n); else { left = n; left.parent = this; } } else if(c>0) { if(right!=null) right.insert(n); else { right = n; right.parent = this; } } else copy(n); } /** * Computes the number of nodes of the tree * represented by this. * (linear time operation) */ public int size() { int s=1; if(left!=null) s += left.size(); if(right!=null) s += right.size(); return s; } /** * Finds the node which stores the key k. * (Linear time operation in depth of tree) * @param k The key to look for. * @return The node with key k, if it is present below this node, or * null, otherwise. */ Searchtreenode findsubtree(K k) { int c = k.compareTo(key); if(c>0) return right==null ? null : right.findsubtree(k); else if(c<0) return left==null ? null : left.findsubtree(k); else return this; } /** * Prints the tree below this node with the given indention. * @param indent The nr of spaces to indent. */ void printindent(int indent) { if(left!=null) left.printindent(indent+2); for(int i=0; i * p p * / / * t a * / \ ====> / \ * a d b t * / \ / \ * b c c d * * t is rotated to the right. * An ordered search tree remains ordered. * Note that any b, c, d, or p can be missing. Only t and a have * to be present, i.e., t itself and its left child. */ /* * Note that this method may yield a new node which is * now root of the tree. Therefore, one must call repair_root * after performing an rotation. */ void rotateright() { Searchtreenode p, a, b, c, d; p = this.parent; a = this.left; d = this.right; b = a.left; c = a.right; if(p!=null) { if(p.left==this) p.left = a; else p.right = a; } a.right = this; a.parent = p; this.left = c; this.parent = a; if(c!=null) c.parent = this; } /** * When applied to this (=t) the following happens: *
   * p                p    
   *  \                \  
   *   t                a
   *  / \    ====>     / \
   * d   a            t   b
   *    / \          / \    
   *   c   b        d   c    
* t is rotated to the left. * An ordered search tree remains ordered. * Note that any b, c, d, or p can be missing. Only t and a have * to be present, i.e., t itself and its right child. */ /* * Note that this method may yield a new node which is * now root of the tree. Therefore, one should call repair_root * after performing an rotation. */ void rotateleft() { Searchtreenode p, a, b, c, d; p = this.parent; a = this.right; d = this.left; b = a.right; c = a.left; if(p!=null) { if(p.right==this) p.right = a; else p.left = a; } a.left = this; a.parent = p; this.right = c; this.parent = a; if(c!=null) c.parent = this; } /** * Computes the height of the subtree below this node. */ public int height() { if(key==null) return 0; int hl=0, hr=0; if(left!=null) hl = left.height(); if(right!=null) hr = right.height(); return hl>hr ? hl+1 : hr+1; } }