
C and C++ reference


C++ reference
C++98, C++03, C++11, C++14, C++17, C++20, C++23  │   Compiler support C++11, C++14, C++17, C++20, C++23


Standard library (headers)

Named requirements

Feature test macros (C++20)

Language support library

Concepts library (C++20)

Diagnostics library

Memory management library

unique_ptr (C++11)
shared_ptr (C++11)

Metaprogramming library (C++11)

Type traits  −  ratio
integer_sequence (C++14)

General utilities library

Function objects  −  hash (C++11)
Utility functions  −  bitset
pair  −   tuple (C++11)
optional (C++17)
expected (C++23)
variant (C++17)  −  any (C++17)
String conversions (C++17)
Formatting (C++20)
Bit manipulation (C++20)

Strings library

basic_string  −  char_traits
basic_string_view (C++17)
Null-terminated strings:
  byte  −  multibyte  −  wide

Containers library

array (C++11)  −  vector  −  deque
list  −  forward_list (C++11)
set  −  multiset
map  −  multimap
unordered_map (C++11)
unordered_multimap (C++11)
unordered_set (C++11)
unordered_multiset (C++11)
stack  −  queue  −  priority_queue
flat_set (C++23)
flat_multiset (C++23)
flat_map (C++23)
flat_multimap (C++23)
span (C++20)  −  mdspan (C++23)

Iterators library

Ranges library (C++20)

Algorithms library

Numerics library

Date and time library

Calendar (C++20)  −  Time zone (C++20)

Localizations library

Input/output library

Filesystem library (C++17)

Regular expressions library (C++11)

Concurrency support library (C++11)

thread  −  jthread (C++20)
atomic  −  atomic_flag
atomic_ref (C++20)
memory_order  −  condition_variable
Mutual exclusion  −  Semaphores (C++20)
future  −  promise  −  async
latch (C++20)  −  barrier (C++20)

Technical specifications

  Standard library extensions  (library fundamentals TS)

  Standard library extensions v2  (library fundamentals TS v2)

  Standard library extensions v3  (library fundamentals TS v3)

  Parallelism library extensions v2  (parallelism TS v2)

  Concurrency library extensions  (concurrency TS)  —  Transactional Memory  (TM TS)
  Reflection  (reflection TS)

External Links  −  Non-ANSI/ISO Libraries  −  Index  −  std Symbol Index

C reference
C89, C95, C99, C11, C17, C23



Type support

Program utilities

Variadic functions

Diagnostics library

Dynamic memory management

Strings library

Null-terminated strings:
   byte  −   multibyte  −   wide

Algorithms library

Numerics library

Date and time library

Localization library

Input/output library

Concurrency support library (C11)

Technical specifications

   Dynamic memory extensions  (dynamic memory TR)
   Floating-point extensions, Part 1  (FP Ext 1 TS)
   Floating-point extensions, Part 4  (FP Ext 4 TS)

External Links  −  Non-ANSI/ISO Libraries  −  Index  −  Symbol Index