import java.util.*; /** There must not be two different countries with the same name! */ public class Country { private String name; // must not be null /** number of inhabitatnts */ private int numInhabitants; /** size in squre meters */ private int size; public String getName() { return; } public int getNumInhabitants() { return this.numInhabitants; } public int getSize() { return this.size; } public Country(String name, int numInhabitants, int size) { = name; this.numInhabitants = numInhabitants; this.size = size; } public String toString() { return + ": " + this.numInhabitants + " inhabitants, " + this.size + " square meters"; } public static void main(String[] args) { Country czechRepublic = new Country("Tschechien", 10500000, 78867); Country tajikistan = new Country("Tadschikistan", 7100000, 143100); Country tonga = new Country("Tonga", 104000, 747); Country transnistria = new Country("Transnistrien", 555347, 3567); Country tuvalu = new Country("Tuvalu", 10000, 26); Set countries = new TreeSet(); countries.add(czechRepublic); countries.add(tajikistan); countries.add(tonga); countries.add(transnistria); countries.add(tuvalu); // FIXME sollte die Laender in der alphabetischen // Reihenfolge ihrer Namen ausgeben System.out.println(countries); Country[] sortedByInhabitants = countries.toArray(new Country[countries.size()]); // TODO sortiere sortedByInhabitants aufsteigend // nach der Einwohnerzahl der Laender System.out.println(Arrays.toString(sortedByInhabitants)); List sortedBySize = new LinkedList(countries); // TODO Sortiere sortedBySize aufsteigend nach der Flaeche der Laender. // Falls zwei Laender die gleiche Flaeche haben, sortiere sie nach der // Einwohnerzahl. System.out.println(sortedBySize); } }